How to Get 10K Steps a Day

Annalise Clark
6 min readJan 17, 2022


And You Don’t Have to Stress Your Body

For years now, I’ve been walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day, usually more. My FitBit makes it easy to track this goal and know when I’ve hit it or blown past it. It’s also a great tool for motivation for a variety of reasons that I will get into later.

As a professional writer for my entire adult life, I know that it’s really important to step away from the desk and get some movement in. Not only is it key to a healthy body when you work a sedentary job, but it’s also essential to my mental health.

And as it relates to my writing, walking can be a great way to clear writer’s block, push through a stuck moment, and just help clear your head and get you started with your day or after a break. I always feel more energized mentally after I move my body physically.

If you’re not used to walking intentionally, 10,000 steps might seem like a lot. And that’s okay. You can work your way up to it slowly and incrementally. Maybe you start with a goal of 4,000 steps a day and once you do that for a week or so, you can increase it to 6,000 steps a day, and then you might increase it to 8,000 steps a day, and eventually the rest of the way to 10,000.

Why 10,000 Steps?

Studies have shown that 10,000 steps are an ideal goal for the average body to be healthy. It’s also a good goal if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

How do you know how many steps you’re getting?

So, you’re obviously not expected to count your steps manually. The easiest way to track your steps is with a pedometer. They are readily available from many sources today.

You can purchase a simple standalone pedometer, or you can purchase a smartwatch that includes a pedometer. As I said above, I use FitBit and I have been with them since they first came out. Initially, they only had trackers that you had to clip onto your clothing somewhere but now they have smartwatches so you can tell time, track many health and body stats, track your weight and the food you eat and even participate in challenges with other FitBit users to help you

It has all the other features of a standard smartwatch too, like the ability to see calls and text messages from your watch, add apps, personalize the watch face, and much more. But you don’t have to use a FitBit. You can use whatever device, app, or tool feels good to you.

There are many other options for you to choose from like the Apple Watch, selections from Garmin and Samsung, and more.

Tracking your data can help you learn more about your current fitness levels, your patterns, and your own energy levels. If you’re looking to buy a new device for this purpose, one thing you should research is what data it tracks and provides for you.

That said, this isn’t a post about buying fitness trackers. It’s a post about how to get more steps in a day- 10K of them, to be exact. So, let’s explore.

Although the statistics show us that most people aren’t actually hitting this 10K a day goal for steps, it’s actually much easier to reach than you might realize. The first step is to decide you want it.

The second step is to be mindful of your steps. It’s possible to add more steps to your day without exercising more and without going on long walks or hikes (although those are fine too, if you enjoy them).

Tips to Getting 10K Steps a Day

Here are some ways to reach this step-goal each day, without exercising like a fanatic. See which ones appeal to you and that you think you can work into your daily schedule.

  1. Get a walking buddy

Getting a walking buddy is a great way to keep yourself motivated and to make getting your steps in more fun. This can also be a good way to build accountability and to create a schedule of planned, intentional walking.

2. Park further away

Drop that habit of circling the parking lot in search of the closest open spot. Go ahead and park at the end of the aisle and walk to the store. You’ll also have to walk back to your car after and even those little steps add up quicker than you would think.

3. Take the stairs

How often do you use the elevator when you could use the stairs instead? If your health allows it, choosing the stairs over the elevator is a great way to get in those steps.

4. Walk around the neighborhood

It doesn’t have to be a long walk or a fast walk. All you need to do is get those steps in. You can do this while listening to your favorite podcast, while walking with a friend or family member, or while talking on the phone if you want to multitask.

5. Have a dance party

You can do it solo or invite a friend or a child. Turn on your favorite jam and just dance it off a bit in the living room or bedroom. This is a fun way to get lots of steps in besides just walking.

6. Mow the lawn

Another way to get some extra steps in is to mow the lawn, rake up leaves, or do other gardening or lawn care tasks.

7. Make your way through the grocery store

Pushing a cart around a grocery store and getting your groceries can also add a lot of steps. You can also take an extra lap to get a few more steps in. And of course, walking back to your car adds more steps.

8. Walk your pet

This is a great way to bond with your pet and also get some great steps in. You don’t have to walk a long way; even just a small walk around the yard or a couple of blocks in the neighborhood can help you raise that step count.

9. Vacuum the house

Here’s another two-in-one. You know you need to vacuum the floors, but did you also know that it can average about 94 steps per minute? You’ll get a clean house AND closer to your step goal.

10. Walk in place

This is a perfect solution, especially if you can’t leave the house to walk outside. You can walk in place while listening to your favorite music or a podcast, or while watching a television show. I make it a personal rule to always walk in place while watching TV.

12. Put things away

Vacuuming isn’t the only house cleaning that can get you more steps. You can also get steps from cleaning and putting things away. When I do the laundry, I often make more trips from room to room than I actually need. When I bring in the groceries, I don’t try to squeeze all the bags onto one arm. Making multiple trips just means more steps.

13. Pace while on the phone

It’s such a habit for me to walk around the room while on the phone now, I can’t imagine sitting and having a conversation. You will be surprised at how many steps you can get in while you’re not even thinking about it as you chat on the phone.

What do you think of these ideas? Are there things you’re doing already or some things you think you can add to your week to increase your steps?



Annalise Clark
Annalise Clark

Written by Annalise Clark

Annalise writes queer fantasy and paranormal romance and supernatural stories.

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